RegenACR Plasma Therapy

Rejuvenation of the skin by its own enriched plasma.

What is RegenACR plasma therapy?

Plasma therapy (or Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy–PRP) is an innovative method of the application of the body’s own blood plasma for the stimulation of skin cells. Plasma therapy is a very economical and safe means for patients, which enables the process of revitalization and rejuvenation not only of the skin. The method is suitable for the support of hair growth and joint regeneration.


This deals with material obtained from the blood of the same patient. In this way, the risk of an immunological reaction or infection of transferable diseases is minimalized. Given the use of one’s own plasma, the procedure is suitable even for people suffering from allergies or clients with very sensitive skin.


The method is based on the application of one’s own plasma enriched by thrombocytes (so-called platelets). These are an important stimulator for the renewal and growth of skin cells and support the activity of stem cells in the place of application.


Course of Treatment:

Ten (10)mL of venous blood is taken from the client. Using a centrifuge, the plasma is separated out, which is thereafter mixed with a special activator of individual components of plasma. The plasma is subsequently applied by microneedles to the skin. Treatment usually takes 30 to 45 minutes.


What type of result can I expect?

The procedure should be applied in three sessions at an interval of 2 to 3 weeks. The results are visible 3 to 4 weeks after and last for 12 months.





Price of the treatment ranges from €142


If necessary, we will arrange the financing of the procedure.